JMU JMU - Department of Computer Science
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Policies on the Group Project

1 Overview

In this course:

2 The Structure of the Group Project

Every student will be assigned to a single group. The group will work together for the entire semester.

The project will be divided into several specific assignments, each with its own deliverables. Each group must work on each assignment independently. That is, while working on a particular assignment, members of one group must not discuss the assignment with members of another group.

3 Contact with the Client Team

Unfortunately, all contact with the client time must be by email; you will not be able to meet with the client team face-to-face or contact the members by telephone. The members of the client time and their email addresses are included in the "About" page.

Each email messages must be addressed to a specific member of the client team (e.g., and must have a meaningful subject line that includes your group (e.g., From Group A: Questions about the user interface). Messages that do not comply with these requirements will be filtered out by the client team's email server!

You should not send the same message to multiple people at the same time since some email servers will think the message is spam. So, it is a good idea especially when sending the same questions to multiple people, to send them individually.

4 Intra-Group Communications

While you must use email to communicate with the client team, you may communicate with other group members in any way you like. A discussion board has been created on Blackboard for each group that you may or may not use, as you prefer.

5 Due Dates

Unless specified otherwise, group assignments may not be submitted for a grade after the due date. You may submit them for feedback but, assignments submitted after the due date will receive a grade of 0.

6 Submission

Unless specified otherwise, you must submit hardcopy of your "solutions" to group project assignments. The format you choose should be appropriate to the tasks in the assignment.

7 Presentations

Groups may be required to present their solutions in class. Presentations will NOT be announced in advance. Groups must be prepared to present on the "due date".

8 Individual Components

Even though it is a group project, individuals may have specific tasks assigned to them and may be required to submit work independently.

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